The 4-home Park Place neighborhood is finished!

Go here to learn more about our next neighborhood!
Next: 12-home Heritage Oaks neighborhood.
Make a difference!
100% of what you give goes directly toward building a family’s new home.
Park Place, our 4-home build in Grass Valley, is now complete with all four homes built.
Nevada County Habitat has broken ground on a new 12-home neighborhood, Heritage Oaks II, in Grass Valley (across the street from 16-home Heritage Oaks I). Development begins in 2023.
Meet Shawna, and two other Park Place homeowners below. We’ve also added an inspiring interview with Sharon, a Habitat Homeowner for three years.
Shawna and Family
The final nail has been hammered, the kitchen cabinets hung, rain gutters installed, and inspections are final! Shawna and family are now moved in to their new home.
Sharon and Family
Take just a few minutes to listen to Sharon as she talks about how, after becoming a Habitat homeowner three years ago, it has provided the stability and security that has sparked many life successes for her and her family.
Lanea and Nova
The Home Dedication Ceremony was held on May 18th, and Lanea and Nova are moved in!
Tommi, Mike and Family
Mike, Tommi and family are happily moved in!