Donate by Mail, Phone or Online

Provide a hand-up to hard working families today!

Did you know?
100% of what you give goes directly toward a family’s new home, and not into administrative fees or for our overhead. Your financial support builds homes and hope for working families in Nevada County.

It’s easy and safe to donate to Nevada County Habitat online!

Donate by Mail

Download our Donation Form here and mail in with your charitable gift.

Donate by Phone

You can make a credit card donation over the phone. Give us a call!

Giving Monthly

Join the Dream Builders Circle — A Powerful Commitment To A Permanent Solution

Our Dream Builders are an essential part of Habitat’s mission. Learn more about some reasons why becoming a monthly donor is so important to us.

Donate a Car

Do you have an older car, truck, van, trailer, RV or boat taking up valuable space in your yard? Your car donation can support your local Nevada County Habitat for Humanity. It is quick and easy to donate automobiles, trucks, boats, RVs, motorcycles, construction equipment and other vehicles — running or not! Plus, you may be eligible for a tax deduction.

Inspired to make a donation? 

$100 for Nails or Hardware

$250 for One Window

$500 for Home Insulation

$1,000 for Child’s Bedroom

$2,000 for a Roof or Kitchen

Join Monthly Giving Club

We can accept a variety of assets as a charitable gift!

Nevada County Habitat Tax ID: 68-0383595

Plan Now, Give Later

A charitable bequest is one of the easiest ways you can leave a lasting impact on the causes you care about.

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Interested in giving to Nevada County Habitat for Humanity but feel overwhelmed by the thought of writing another check or giving up your assets today? A simple, flexible and versatile way to ensure your charitable intentions continue for years to come is a gift in your will or trust, known as a charitable bequest. No matter how small, everyone wants to make a mark, leave a legacy, make a difference.

Appreciated Stock

This is an excellent way to give that also helps you realize tax savings for stock that have appreciated in value.

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A surprise to many people, cash may not always be the best way to give. Gifts of appreciated stock, for example, may give you both a charitable deduction and an exemption from capital gains taxes on the appreciation.

Donate a Vehicle

Do you have an older car, truck, van, trailer, RV or boat taking up valuable space in your yard? It’s an easy way to donate.

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By donating a car to our vehicle donation program, you can help Habitat for Humanity of Nevada County build houses in partnership with families in need of a hand up, not a hand out. It’s quick and easy to donate — whether the vehicle is running or not!

Honor or Memorial

Pay tribute to someone you care about by giving in honor of a birthday, memorial, wedding, or other occasion.

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You will receive the tax benefit, and your honoree or their family will receive a note in the mail letting them know about the special way you acknowledged them. Just download and fill out this form, with any special message you would like to include, and mail it to us with your donation!

Thank you!

“I always felt like education was my bright star at the end of a dark tunnel,” Sharon tells us. After graduating from Nevada Union in 2000 she started a nursing program, but had to quit when she had significant complications during her pregnancy with her first child. She eventually returned to school, but has been able to only take a class or two at a time because of her need to care for her children and to work. But she won’t ever give up.

“I never dreamed having a Habitat for Humanity home would be possible — but it is! We’ve been provided a surprise light! Just knowing I’ll have a safe place to call home, where I can hear my children laughing and playing in the back yard, my heart is filled with gratitude.”

Impacting Lives

“During the five years in our Habitat home my faith has strengthened, especially in myself. Our lives have changed exponentially. This truly is a ‘forever home’ for us.” —Corinne

“I know it’s an overused phrase, but this was a real dream come true for me. And the dream for my children came true. For the first time in my life I have a future with ground under my feet that won’t disappear.” —Nicole

“Through Nevada County Habitat for Humanity I was given the tools and opportunity to succeed and the stepping stone to advance our lives. My Habitat home was a real, solid and safe place for me and my family.” —Amanda