Help us start four new houses before the end of the year

Read the full winter appeal letter here.
It’s a joy to work with our future homeowners, but heartbreaking to learn about their housing situations. While many people in Nevada County are doing well financially, a great number of local families have fallen behind like never before.
Income disparity is rising quickly in Nevada County.
The good news is – we are set to break ground on four new houses. Your financial support will be combined with the hard work of our local volunteers, generous sub-contractors, and our prospective homeowners, who will contribute 500 hours of sweat equity. Together, we can finish a home for roughly half of the median home cost – putting the dream of affordable home ownership within reach.
Your generous contribution can help make a life-changing difference.
In Their Words…
Hear from our construction site volunteers:
I love the dynamics of our construction crew and how everyone helps each other learn new skills. Working with the homeowners on-site creates a very personal bond that is uniquely rewarding. When you participate in the creation of something so meaningful as a home, and then witness the changes in a family’s lives that result from it – well, that’s just magical!
Ray Baldock, Construction Volunteer
As a Christian, working on Habitat projects allows me to use my talents and resources to help others in need. Habitat for Humanity is a worthy example of showing faith through deeds.
Mike Roman, Construction Volunteer
My experience working with homeowners has been incredibly rewarding and humbling. I feel a deep sense of respect and admiration for their resilience and determination as they work towards building a better future for themselves and their families. Each interaction reinforces my belief in the power of community and the importance of supporting one another in our journeys. Andy Kramer, Construction Volunteer
Of all the volunteer work I have ever done, Habitat construction is the most gratifying. Helping construct a beautiful, affordable home from start to finish is amazing. Seeing the gratitude of the new home owner and knowing what it means for them and their family is awesome!
Mark Renfrew, Construction Volunteer
Why Local Affordable Housing Has Gone From Bad To Worse
The cost of housing in Nevada County keeps rising. The median home rental is now $2,755 per month locally and a two-bedroom apartment averages $2,100 per month, (Source: For many families, especially single parents, it’s a breaking point.
But this isn’t the only factor impacting housing affordability. According to the St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank, income disparity in Nevada County shifted substantially from 2015-2022 (their last reporting period). Food and household costs have risen by 20% since 2020, (according to While wealthier families are generally maintaining through this shift, the lower and moderate income families in our community are struggling.

Support future Habitat homeowners to keep going with a message of hope. We will handwrite your personal message on the framing of the next Habitat home.
Every homeowner contributes 500 hours of sweat equity to help purchase their home.
500 hrs = 3.5 months of full-time work.

“May this home be filled with love, light, and laughter!”
“You’re almost there! Courage!”
Habitat Homeowner since 2024
Single mom Angela moved her young family four times while waiting for her affordable home.
Habitat Homeowner since 2022
Single mom Angela moved her young family four times while waiting for her affordable home.
2021 Habitat Homeowners
As a couple Mike and Tommi struggled to fit their family in a tiny apartment located in an unsafe neighborhood. Afraid to let their children play outside, they dreamed of a safer home.