Dream Builders
Giving MonthlyA Powerful Commitment To A Permanent Solution
Your Impact:
Dream Builders are fundamental to Habitat’s vision to create a community where everyone has a place to call home.
You make Habitat stronger.
By contributing monthly you are strengthening this organization and ensuring the longevity of the work we do in this community.
Cash flow means building.
The reliability of your gift lets us budget building homes and makes sure there is little to no down time serving local households.
We can count on your help.
We don’t have to wonder if your gift will be coming in this year. It shows up like clockwork every month!
To become a Dream Builder, just let us know by filling out the form below and we will contact you directly to discuss.
(5) Reasons to Join:
Yearly acknowledgement in our newsletter
Reserved seating at special events
Discounted event tickets
Spreading out the financial impact of your donation while keeping a budget
Making a difference in your community
Ready to make your first monthly payment?

Thank you!
“I always felt like education was my bright star at the end of a dark tunnel,” Sharon tells us. After graduating from Nevada Union in 2000 she started a nursing program, but had to quit when she had significant complications during her pregnancy with her first child. She eventually returned to school, but has been able to only take a class or two at a time because of her need to care for her children and to work. But she won’t ever give up.
“I never dreamed having a Habitat for Humanity home would be possible — but it is! We’ve been provided a surprise light! Just knowing I’ll have a safe place to call home, where I can hear my children laughing and playing in the back yard, my heart is filled with gratitude.”
Impacting Lives
“During the five years in our Habitat home my faith has strengthened, especially in myself. Our lives have changed exponentially. This truly is a ‘forever home’ for us.” —Corinne
“I know it’s an overused phrase, but this was a real dream come true for me. And the dream for my children came true. For the first time in my life I have a future with ground under my feet that won’t disappear.” —Nicole
“Through Nevada County Habitat for Humanity I was given the tools and opportunity to succeed and the stepping stone to advance our lives. My Habitat home was a real, solid and safe place for me and my family.” —Amanda